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Cauta pachete charter avion la Arhontariki Apartments din Panormo, Creta, Grecia
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Intrebare: Arhontariki Apartments este un hotel apreciat de catre turisti?
Raspuns: Arhontariki Apartments nu este apreciat de catre turisti, avand o nota medie de 0.00 din 10 din 0 review-uri.
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Înainte de a vă rezerva vacanța dumneavoastră pentru Arhontariki Apartments, din Panormo, Creta, Grecia, vă rugăm să verificați restricțiile de călătorie spre Grecia la următorul link
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Foarte important!
În cazul în care v-ați decis și doriți să faceți o rezervare pentru Arhontariki Apartments, din Panormo, Creta, Grecia, este mai util ca oricând să optați pentru o asigurare de tip Travel sau Storno, precum și pentru o asigurare medicală. Acestea vă pot scuti de eventualele probleme care pot apărea înaintea sau după începerea concediului dumneavoastră. Informațiile despre asigurări precum și tarifele pentru acestea le găsiți în pagina de rezervare.
Detalii Arhontariki Apartments din Panormo, Creta, Grecia
Archontariki apartments is located in the center of the historical part of the seaside village of Panormo, 180m meters from the local organized sandy beach.
The city of Rethymno lies 23.
5km away and the resort of Bali is at a distance of 13.
The nearest airport is Heraklio International airport 61.
5km away from the property.
Archontariki apartments consists of two newly renovated apartments in the center of the seaside village of Panormo, next to all amenities that this wonderful resort has to offer.
Arhontariki Apartments features: Small balcony, small patio.
Barbecue, sitting area, small, well-kept garden (fenced) with lawn and flowers, WhirlpoolArhontariki IArhontariki I is a three-room apartment of 104 m2, on the ground floor.
It is right, and it was renovated in 2014, with antique and cosy furnishings.
There is an open living/dining room with an open-hearth fireplace, dining table and satellite TV (flat screen).
There is an exit to the patio.
There is also one room with one double bed and air conditioning and exit to the balcony.
You can find one small room with one double bed, shower/WC and air conditioning.
There is a large, open kitchen (oven, dishwasher, 4 ceramic glass hob hotplates, freezer, electric coffee machine) as well as Shower/WC.
There is also a small balcony, small patio, Barbecue, sitting area and view of the garden.
Facilities: washing machine, safe, iron, hair dryer.
Internet (WiFi, free).
It is suitable for families.
Arhontariki IIArhontariki II is a four-room apartment of 85 m2, on the upper floor.
It is spacious, with sloping ceilings, renovated in 2014, with comfortable and tasteful furnishings.
There is an open living/dining room with open-hearth fireplace, dining table and satellite TV (flat screen).
There is an exit to the balcony.
There is one small room with one double bed and air conditioning.
There is also another room with one double bed and air conditioning and exit to the terrace.
There is an open kitchen (oven, dishwasher, 4 ceramic glass hob hotplates, freezer, electric coffee machine) as well as Shower/WC.
Upper floor: (steep stair).
There is one open room with one bed and air conditioning.
There is also a balcony, and a terrace.
It features, balcony furniture, barbecue, deck chairs and beautiful view of the sea.
Facilities: washing machine, iron, hair dryer.
Internet (WiFi, free).
It is suitable for families.
Location Archontariki apartments is located in the center of the historical part of the seaside village of Panormo, 180m meters from the local organized sandy beach.
The city of Rethymno lies 23.
5km away and the resort of Bali is at a distance of 13.
The nearest airport is Heraklio International airport 61.
5km away from the property.
Your Accommodation Archontariki apartments consists of two newly renovated apartments in the center of the seaside village of Panormo, next to all amenities that this wonderful resort has to offer.
Arhontariki Apartments features: Small balcony, small patio.
Barbecue, sitting area, small, well-kept garden (fenced) with lawn and flowers, WhirlpoolRooms Arhontariki IArhontariki I is a three-room apartment of 104 m2, on the ground floor.
It is right, and it was renovated in 2014, with antique and cosy furnishings.
There is an open living/dining room with an open-hearth fireplace, dining table and satellite TV (flat screen).
There is an exit to the patio.
There is also one room with one double bed and air conditioning and exit to the balcony.
You can find one small room with one double bed, shower/WC and air conditioning.
There is a large, open kitchen (oven, dishwasher, 4 ceramic glass hob hotplates, freezer, electric coffee machine) as well as Shower/WC.
There is also a small balcony, small patio, Barbecue, sitting area and view of the garden.
Facilities: washing machine, safe, iron, hair dryer.
Internet (WiFi, free).
It is suitable for families.
Arhontariki IIArhontariki II is a four-room apartment of 85 m2, on the upper floor.
It is spacious, with sloping ceilings, renovated in 2014, with comfortable and tasteful furnishings.
There is an open living/dining room with open-hearth fireplace, dining table and satellite TV (flat screen).
There is an exit to the balcony.
There is one small room with one double bed and air conditioning.
There is also another room with one double bed and air conditioning and exit to the terrace.
There is an open kitchen (oven, dishwasher, 4 ceramic glass hob hotplates, freezer, electric coffee machine) as well as Shower/WC.
Upper floor: (steep stair).
There is one open room with one bed and air conditioning.
There is also a balcony, and a terrace.
It features, balcony furniture, barbecue, deck chairs and beautiful view of the sea.
Facilities: washing machine, iron, hair dryer.
Internet (WiFi, free).
It is suitable for families.
Free Sports and Wellness Beach, Barbecue, Patio, Balcony, Garden, Fireplace, WhirlpoolSports and Wellness for a FeeWater Activities (Off Site)Entertainment / Activities Satellite TV (flat screen), HikingFor Children Baby CotMeals / Drinks Self CateringOfficial Category *** Location Archontariki apartments is located in the center of the historical part of the seaside village of Panormo, 180m meters from the local organized sandy beach.
The city of Rethymno lies 23.
5km away and the resort of Bali is at a distance of 13.
The nearest airport is Heraklio International airport 61.
5km away from the property.
Your Accommodation Archontariki apartments consists of two newly renovated apartments in the center of the seaside village of Panormo, next to all amenities that this wonderful resort has to offer.
Arhontariki Apartments features: Small balcony, small patio.
Barbecue, sitting area, small, well-kept garden (fenced) with lawn and flowers, WhirlpoolRooms Arhontariki IArhontariki I is a three-room apartment of 104 m2, on the ground floor.
It is right, and it was renovated in 2014, with antique and cosy furnishings.
There is an open living/dining room with an open-hearth fireplace, dining table and satellite TV (flat screen).
There is an exit to the patio.
There is also one room with one double bed and air conditioning and exit to the balcony.
You can find one small room with one double bed, shower/WC and air conditioning.
There is a large, open kitchen (oven, dishwasher, 4 ceramic glass hob hotplates, freezer, electric coffee machine) as well as Shower/WC.
There is also a small balcony, small patio, Barbecue, sitting area and view of the garden.
Facilities: washing machine, safe, iron, hair dryer.
Internet (WiFi, free).
It is suitable for families.
Arhontariki IIArhontariki II is a four-room apartment of 85 m2, on the upper floor.
It is spacious, with sloping ceilings, renovated in 2014, with comfortable and tasteful furnishings.
There is an open living/dining room with open-hearth fireplace, dining table and satellite TV (flat screen).
There is an exit to the balcony.
There is one small room with one double bed and air conditioning.
There is also another room with one double bed and air conditioning and exit to the terrace.
There is an open kitchen (oven, dishwasher, 4 ceramic glass hob hotplates, freezer, electric coffee machine) as well as Shower/WC.
Upper floor: (steep stair).
There is one open room with one bed and air conditioning.
There is also a balcony, and a terrace.
It features, balcony furniture, barbecue, deck chairs and beautiful view of the sea.
Facilities: washing machine, iron, hair dryer.
Internet (WiFi, free).
It is suitable for families.
Free Sports and Wellness Beach, Barbecue, Patio, Balcony, Garden, Fireplace, WhirlpoolSports and Wellness for a FeeWater Activities (Off Site)Entertainment / Activities Satellite TV (flat screen), HikingFor Children Baby CotMeals / Drinks Self CateringOfficial Category ***
Arhontariki Apartments din Panormo, Creta, Grecia, conform informațiilor primite de la majoritatea furnizorilor, este cotat pe site-ul nostru cu 3*. Vă rugăm să rețineți că, pe pagina de rezervare, vă va fi prezentată clasificare oficială primită din partea furnizorului la care se face rezervarea.
Book & Travel nu garanteaza ca informatia de pe Site (incluzand, dar fara limitare, tarifele, descrierile sau datele), nu poate avea erori sau lipsuri. Pentru evitarea oricaror neplaceri ulterioare va rugam sa verificati informatiile publicate pe site inainte de plasarea comenzii.
Toate informatiile folosite pentru descrierea Hotelurilor si/sau a Pachetelor disponibile pe Site (imagini statice / dinamice / prezentari multimedia / etc.) nu reprezinta o obligatie contractuala din partea Book & Travel, acestea fiind utilizate exclusiv cu titlu de prezentare.
Book & Travel nu-si asuma in niciun fel raspunderea in ceea ce priveste actualizarea informatiilor existente pe pagina sa de web. Utilizatorii au obligatia sa verifice direct la Book & Travel in ce masura informatiile si datele de pe pagina web sunt de actualitate. In cazul in care utilizatorul nu face acest lucru, Book & Travel este exonerat de orice raspundere.
Book & Travel isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica continutul si formatul paginii de web in orice moment fara a fi limitat in vreun fel spatial sau temporal.
Datorită situației legate de pandemia COVID19, vă rugăm să fiți conștienți de faptul că circumstanțele se pot schimba în timp, în funcție de perioada dumneavoastră de călătorie și legate de destinație în general și de hotel în particular. Iată câteva exemple care ar putea fi impuse: vize speciale, documente medicale, carantină la plecare sau la întoarcere. Totodată, anumite facilități sau servicii hoteliere (centru SPA, piscină, loc de joacă pentru copii, sală de gimnastică etc.) prezentate în descrierea serviciilor achiziționate, valabile și disponibile în momentul rezervării, să devină neutilizabile. De asemenea, pot apărea modificări în conținutul și modul de derulare a programului serviciilor de masă (meniuri stabilite etc.), precum și limitări în ceea ce privește capacitatea restaurantelor și a zonelor comune. Aceste circumstanțe pot fi determinate de modificări ale regulamentului intern al unității de cazare sau pot fi impuse de autoritățile sanitare din țara de destinație.
Le recomandăm turiștilor noștri să se informeze înainte de începerea sejurului în privința eventualelor restricții apărute la destinație care pot afecta și hotelul în care va avea loc cazarea.
Ne cerem scuze pentru neplăceri și vă informăm că orice reclamație din partea dumneavoastră referitoare la aceste circumstanțe extraordinare NU va fi acceptată.
Vezi informatii despre statiunea sau obiectivele de langa: Arhontariki Apartments din Panormo, Creta, Grecia