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Intrebari si raspunsuri despre Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa
Intrebare: Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa este un hotel apreciat de catre turisti?
Raspuns: Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa nu este apreciat de catre turisti, avand o nota medie de 0.00 din 10 din 0 review-uri.
Intrebare: Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa are coordonate gps?
Raspuns: Da, Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa are coordonate gps. Coordonatele gps, in grade zecimale, sunt: latitudine 37.06979600 si longitudine 25.12986800.
Coordonatele gps in grade, minute È™i secunde sunt: latitudine 37° 4' 37" si longitudine 25° 7' 25".
De asemenea, puteti vizualiza pozitia hotelului pe harta in tab-ul Harta.
Intrebare: Se poate ajunge la Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa cu masina personala?
Raspuns: Da, la Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa se poate ajunge cu masina. Coordonatele gps sunt: 37.06979600,25.12986800.
In plus, puteti vizualiza traseul dintre orasul dumneavoastra si hotelul ales in tabul Traseul Rutier.
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Înainte de a vă rezerva vacanța dumneavoastră pentru Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa, din Lefkes, Insula Paros, Grecia, vă rugăm să verificați restricțiile de călătorie spre Grecia la următorul link
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Foarte important!
În cazul în care v-ați decis și doriți să faceți o rezervare pentru Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa, din Lefkes, Insula Paros, Grecia, este mai util ca oricând să optați pentru o asigurare de tip Travel sau Storno, precum și pentru o asigurare medicală. Acestea vă pot scuti de eventualele probleme care pot apărea înaintea sau după începerea concediului dumneavoastră. Informațiile despre asigurări precum și tarifele pentru acestea le găsiți în pagina de rezervare.
Detalii Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa din Lefkes, Insula Paros, Grecia
?Nestled within lush greenery and blooming flowers, contradicting the rugged Cycladic scenery of Paros, lies an elegant paradise of calm and wellness.
It invites guests into a world of a more laid-back pace of life, offering indulgence within a stunning natural setting.
? FEEL THE TRUE SPIRIT OF GREEK HOSPITALITY Yria was lovingly conceived and created by a family of dreamers and doers.
The hotel has been welcoming guests for over 30 years and although the second generation has taken over, their focus still remains on offering genuine Greek hospitality and an outstanding array of top-quality facilities for leisure, well-being and relaxation.
Cocooned within the heart of the beautiful bay of Parasporos, Yria was designed to embrace its natural surroundings in perfect harmony with the high-end facilities and the pampering services of a lifestyle 5-star hotel.
A focus on heritage, connection to nature and wellbeing runs deep through every aspect of the hotel?s ethos.
??Yria is for those who want to escape, disconnect and come away with memories that will last a lifetime? MORE THAN A PLACE TO STAY Yria is a place to relax, escape the everyday, and discover the exceptional.
Everything was designed and built upon the strive to create a hidden retreat that?s in perfect balance with nature.
The rooms and suites of the hotel were created with a relaxed mood in mind, yet always fitted with modern comforts, elegant finishes, open-space areas, large windows, local materials and a soothing earthy colour palette.
Perfect for travelers who want to get away from it all, this family-owned hotel will give you and your loved ones a chance to recharge, while all the little details are taken care of for you.
Stay with us and discover a haven of tranquillity and wellness, with an enchanting allure that will continue to draw you back in year after year.
BEYOND THE PLATE Our food is authentic while refined, with fresh ingredients that are hand-selected from our gardens, to nourish the body and mind from the inside out.
Dining at Yria is where we come together and experience an immersive culinary journey through all five senses.
Whether your days at Yria are spent adventuring in the mountains or curled up beside the pool, our dishes, signed by the Michelin-star chef Lefteris Lazarou, are designed to nourish and comfort you during what promises to be a memorable stay.
BREAKFAST - MOMENTS OF MORNING BLISS Breakfast is for many one of the most pleasurable parts of a stay away.
Indulge in sweet and savory delights accompanied by a bold coffee and freshly squizzed juices.
From a mosaic of vibrant colours to delicious breakfast flavours, we have the perfect way to start each day within the beautiful premises of Yria.
Embrace the simple pleasures of life and welcome each morning with a delicious breakfast at poolside restaurant of Yria, overlooking the bay of Parasporos, or within the comfort and privacy of your very own veranda.
FRESH PRODUCE STRAIGHT from OUR GARDEN Fresh, organic ingredients are sourced from our own gardens to create mouth-watering dishes packed with seasonal flavours.
There's nothing quite like waking up to a delicious morning meal and our breakfast menu has something to suit all morning palettes.
NEFELI RESTAURANT BY LEFTERIS LAZAROU For those with an appreciation for good food and good living, the healing power of pleasure awaits at the Nefeli Restaurant of Yria.
With a culinary philosophy both innovative and rooted in tradition, Nefeli Restaurant delivers delicious food and a farm-to-table experience.
Fresh, organic ingredients are sourced from our own gardens, and seafood from local fishermen.
We harvest nature?s bounty, prepare reimagined recipes passed down from mothers to sons and daughters, and bring pleasure to the plate, sharing meals among families and friends.
Let your vacation memories be shaped by the taste of authentic local produce, fresh seafood and exquisite dishes on your plate signed by the Michelin-star chef Lefteris Lazarou.
FRESH, ORGANIC INGREDIENTS | A FARM-TO-TABLE EXPERIENCE In the role of consulting chef, the Michelin-star and multi award winning chef Lefteris Lazarou signs the menu of Nefeli, conveying his passion for simple, fresh and healthy food rooted in the country?s rich culinary traditions.
The menus are executed by our highly talented chef-de-cuisine and his team, promising to masterfully introduce guests to Greek cuisine?s most exciting flavors in their purest form.
CHEF LEFTERIS LAZAROU Like the Ancient Greeks whose lives were tied to the sea, Chef Lefteris Lazarou has showed an innate love for the ocean from an early age.
Born in 1952, he spent time on the high seas accompanying his father on international voyages and working alongside him as a cook.
Life at sea was rewarding and fulfilling, giving him the chance to discover the diverse cuisines of the world.
Equipped with knowledge and creativity, he then worked on cruise ships introducing Greek cuisine to the varied audiences on board.
In October 1987 he opened the Varoulko Seaside Restaurant in Piraeus, offering exciting seafood dishes and flavors that are rich yet elegantly complex.
With focus on superb quality fish and fresh produce, the restaurant serves Greek and Mediterranean dishes that are pioneering and inspiring, full of color and harmonious flavors.
In 2002, Varoulko was awarded with one Michelin star, the first star to ever be bestowed on a chef serving Greek cuisine.
SELINI BAR Comfort ? in flavor and mood.
Cocktails ? drinks crafted to suit each palate.
Light breezes, swaying trees and a hint of sea salt accompanies a menu of local and international favorites at our scenic pool bar.
Relax & Refresh By the pool bar From sunrise to the sun setting over the bay of Parasporos, beautiful views make Selini Pool Bar the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a light meal or a refreshing cocktail.
From fresh fruit smoothies and coffee drinks to sundowners, our laid-back Pool Bar is an inviting, all-day retreat overlooking the sea.
A WELLNESS EXPERIENCE IN HARMONY WITH NATURE Where nature inspires the pursuit of wellbeing, we invite you to infuse your stay with wellness experiences to relax and revive body and spirit.
Nestled into one of the most beautiful locations on our property, Astir Spa beckons those who long for a reset in communion with nature.
Nourish your well-being through unique spa treatments and wellness experiences, where the echoes of crashing waves and birds singing provide the perfect soundtrack to release and recharge.
Let yourself be taken to a world of energy, balance, and harmony.
A SOOTHING ESCAPE from EVERYDAY LIFE Serenity awaits you within our spa facilities.
Everywhere, soothing sounds and scents invite you to embrace the natural beauty and calm energy of this property.
From the moment you step through our doors, every sensation will invite you to relax, restore and renew.
Ease away the stresses and strains of everyday life in our treatment rooms.
Take an exhilarating dip in our plunge pool with Jacuzzi, recharge in our purifying steam room or refresh in our rain shower.
REACH YOUR FITNESS GOALS Sweat it out in our fully equipped fitness center, located in a quiet and cool area of the hotel.
With a selection of fitness equipment and free weights, it is designed to help you reach your fitness goals, unlock your potential and push your performance.
Our well-appointed fitness center is sure to make your daily workouts pleasurable and help you achieve your strength goals.
LET'S PLAY Where you can enjoy a match with family and friends.
In a unique setting and equipped with the latest when it comes to tennis equipment, the Yria Island Boutique Hotel & Spa is the perfect location for the perfect tennis game.
Whether you are learning the game or have been playing for years, we can arrange lessons with professional tennis coaches to help you develop your skills with one-to-one sessions.
FINDING BALANCE IN PAROS We invite you to unlock your physical and
Latitudine 37.06979600
Longitudine 25.12986800
Vezi Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa pe harta
Coordonatele GPS reprezintă instrucţiuni aproximative generate automat şi neverificate. Va rugăm să consultaţi o hartă rutieră şi să verificaţi starea drumurilor înainte de a vă începe călătoria. nu este responsabil de acurateţea coordonatelor şi nu răspunde pentru eventualele neplăceri cauzate de acestea.
Yria Island Boutique Hotel And Spa din Lefkes, Insula Paros, Grecia, conform informațiilor primite de la majoritatea furnizorilor, este cotat pe site-ul nostru cu 5*. Vă rugăm să rețineți că, pe pagina de rezervare, vă va fi prezentată clasificare oficială primită din partea furnizorului la care se face rezervarea.
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Book & Travel isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica continutul si formatul paginii de web in orice moment fara a fi limitat in vreun fel spatial sau temporal.
Datorită situației legate de pandemia COVID19, vă rugăm să fiți conștienți de faptul că circumstanțele se pot schimba în timp, în funcție de perioada dumneavoastră de călătorie și legate de destinație în general și de hotel în particular. Iată câteva exemple care ar putea fi impuse: vize speciale, documente medicale, carantină la plecare sau la întoarcere. Totodată, anumite facilități sau servicii hoteliere (centru SPA, piscină, loc de joacă pentru copii, sală de gimnastică etc.) prezentate în descrierea serviciilor achiziționate, valabile și disponibile în momentul rezervării, să devină neutilizabile. De asemenea, pot apărea modificări în conținutul și modul de derulare a programului serviciilor de masă (meniuri stabilite etc.), precum și limitări în ceea ce privește capacitatea restaurantelor și a zonelor comune. Aceste circumstanțe pot fi determinate de modificări ale regulamentului intern al unității de cazare sau pot fi impuse de autoritățile sanitare din țara de destinație.
Le recomandăm turiștilor noștri să se informeze înainte de începerea sejurului în privința eventualelor restricții apărute la destinație care pot afecta și hotelul în care va avea loc cazarea.
Ne cerem scuze pentru neplăceri și vă informăm că orice reclamație din partea dumneavoastră referitoare la aceste circumstanțe extraordinare NU va fi acceptată.
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Harta si traseul de mai sus reprezinta instructiuni aproximative generate automat si neverificate. Va rugam sa consultati o harta rutiera si sa verificati starea drumurilor inainte de a va incepe calatori nu este responsabil de acuratetea informatiilor de mai sus si nu raspunde pentru eventualele neplaceri cauzate de acestea.